Policies & Procedures

Code of Conduct

All students at McKinley are expected to behave in an acceptable and responsible manner while at school, on field trips, and while participating in other school-related activities.  Good behavior, courtesy, and cooperation are essential to learning.


The school-wide PBIS expectations:

The 3 R’s–

  • Be Ready
  • Be Respectful
  • Be Responsible


Listed below are some of the behaviors determined unacceptable:

  • Disrespect and disruption of school
  • Eating and drinking in classrooms and hallways
  • Students unprepared with the necessary school supplies
  • Using cell phones during school time; If seen, phones will be confiscated and returned only to a parent/guardian.
  • Cutting class; leaving the building during school hours without adult supervision
  • The use of profanity or offensive language
  • Physical violence, physical or verbal assault
  • Bullying/Harassment
  • Destruction of personal or school property, books, instruments, etc.
  • Truancy
  • Theft
  • Habitual lateness
  • Smoking or using other illegal substance

Students violating the Student Code of Conduct and/or other established procedures could be subjected to loss of privileges up to and including exclusion from trips, assembly programs, graduation, and/or other special event/activities in and out of school. Please be advised this list is not exhaustive.


Positive Reinforcements

At McKinley, students who behave appropriately are recognized in various ways.  To nurture our expectations for good behavior, the following incentive programs have been established to recognize good behavior:

Weekly raffles
Student of the Month
Citizenship awards presented at awards assemblies
Pizza party for Honor Roll students
Lunch with the teacher/Assistant Principal/Principal



Regular attendance ensures the continuity of the educational program essential for growth.  Students are expected to arrive to school on time at 8:15 AM.  If your child is absent or sent to school late, it is the responsibility of the parent to notify the teacher in writing of the reason.  It is also the responsibility of the child to make up any missed work during the absence. Attendance Policy: After nine (9) cumulative absences for illness for which a parent writes an excuse note, the 10th absence for illness must be accompanied by a physician’s note. Attendance will be carefully monitored and legal action will be taken in cases of repeated unexcused absences.



Students who arrive to school after 8:15 AM are considered late.  Students who arrive after 8:30 must enter the building through the main entrance and get a late note at the front desk. Attendance Policy: If a student arrives after 10:00 AM or leaves before 1:00 PM without a valid excuse note, the student will be marked as half day unexcused. Two half days will add up to one full day absence. Continued lateness to school causes unnecessary.  It is essential that students be on time for class.  Students will be held accountable for missed work.